5 Simple Swaps to Go Plastic-Free


5 Simple Swaps to Go Plastic-Free


In the UK, we produce over five million tonnes of plastic every single year . To put that into context, those are some of the highest rates per capita in the world. 

But we recycle so it’s okay, right? Unfortunately less than 10% of plastic waste gets recycled. And the rest of it winds up in landfills, our oceans and natural environment. Often, this has devastating consequences for wildlife who ingest, suffocate from, or get entangled in plastic. 

We are drowning in plastic. But there are simple changes we can make to help. At NEMI Teas, the team has been tackling our personal plastic-use head on. After a lot of research and experimentation, here are our favourite tips:

1. Do Your Weekly Shop at a Refill Store

2. Get a Safety Razor

3. Go for Refillable Deodorant

4. Get on the Bamboo Train

5. Get a reusable Coffee Cup

Our food shops are one of the biggest sources of plastic waste. Unlike shampoo bottles, which you might purchase once a month, we eat three times a day. And as a result, we usually have a small mountain of plastic in our bins from our food shop. 

A great remedy is to head to a refill store for your weekly shop, instead of Tescos. These shops are popping up more and more, and we absolutely love them. Here, you bring your own containers and fill them up with all your favourite goodies.

If you’re the kind of person who’s inclined to shave, we’ve got you covered. An easy one time swap is to ditch the plastic razors with disposable heads for a metal safety razor. Not only do they have a great vintage look to them, they give you a way sharper shave than traditional razors. The razor blades themselves also last way longer! So it’s a win for the environment and your wallet! 

Instead of single use deodorants, why not get a refillable shell? When the deodorant stick runs out, you can just replace it with a new one, rather than chucking the whole thing out. They also tend to look a whole lot more aesthetic than the plastic ones you’ll find in the supermarket!

Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials out there. It’s a fast-growing crop which doesn’t require a lot of water. So, it can be harvested in large amounts without contributing to mass deforestation. From toothbrushes to cutlery, there are plenty of reusable bamboo products out there. They also make a great, affordable present to encourage friends and family to make small changes too. 

The ‘paper’ takeaway cups you get for your oat flat white aren’t actually just made of paper! They are lined with a plastic coating and so can’t be recycled. The easiest fix is to get a keep-cup. Try to get in the habit of bringing your own everywhere you go - it also doubles as a container for snacks!